About the Attorney
Founded in 2007, the Firm has been providing its clients unparalleled legal services.
Victor Ro, Esq.
20+ Years Since JD Acquired
Law School
Georgetown Law Center
Albany Law School (JD)
Recent Experience
Trial Attorney (Texas District Court Jury Trial, Real Property 2023)
Trial Attorney (Georgia Magistrate Court, S.B. v. M.B., 2023)
Lead Trial Attorney 1st Chair (Washington, State & Federal Courts 2007-2022)
Specialist in the State of Washington Criminal Defense & Trials
Washington State Only
Hundreds and Hundreds of Court Hearings
"Not Guilty" Verdicts, Plea Bargain Settlements, & Dismissals
Invited & Accepted (2014): "Top 100 Trial Lawyer" (Washington State) of The National Trial Lawyers
Felonies (Up To Class 'A' Serious Felonies)
Misdemeanors (Including Gross Misdemeanors, DUI, Assault, Domestic Violence)
Countless Number of Satisfied Clients (CONFIDENTIAL - Not Published)
Notable Affiliation
King County Bar Association Judicial Screening Committee (Screens Judges and Lawyers)
The National Trial Lawyers - "Top 100 Trial Lawyers" (2014)
About Me
"I am going on 17 years of practicing law. I am thorough and I am efficient. And I don't like to waste time. Although some cases may require a turtle-like methodical approach, good work product is always my goal. When I'm in court, I don't like to waste the court's time either. So I work efficiently, but thoroughly so that competence and results is always at the forefront of my approach to all my client's cases. I have practiced in almost every courthouse and county in the State of Washington and have come before all kinds of judges and prosecutors. Unless they're new, they know me, and I know them. If not, I quickly feel the lay of the land so we can work together towards a common end so that ultimately my clients are well taken care of, unless of course a Trial is set in which case the Warrior's Helmet comes on and we Fight and Fight for 1 Goal: To Win. This is my style. This is my craft as a Trial Lawyer. When I am litigating a civil matter, an intense focus besets me so that the only goal I have is to fix the legal problem my clients are facing so that I can get down to the core of the issue and grind the law and facts to a simple element to utilize it to our benefit. Yes, Experience Does Matter. Let me help you."